HTI and the Brown Church: A Testimonio

Playing the Minstrel in the Academy: Grounded Theology in an Age of Racial Violence and Xenophobia

Tending the Stories of Our Communities

HTI and the Bible: Making Space for Latina/o/x Contributions to Biblical Scholarship

The Lifelong Connection Between the HTI and Its Graduates

Editorial: On the 25th Anniversary of the Hispanic Theological Initiative

Editorial | Issue 18

Images of María de la Leche 1600- Present

A Reimagined Ethical Imagination: Considering Epistemological Nihilism and Afro-Pessimism as a Corrective to Ethics of Hope

Mestizos/as with an Asian Face

An Amasamiento: Reflecting on Peter Mena’s Place and Identity in the Lives of Antony, Paul, and Mary of Egypt: Desert as Borderland

Peter Anthony Mena, Transgressing the Frontiers/Fronteras of the Traditional Histories of Early Christianity

Anzaldúa, Latinx theory, and Late Ancient Studies

Bridging the Gap: Autohistoria-teoría and the Late Antique Imagination

Editorial | Issue 17

Introducción : Celebrando la vida y obra teológica de José Míguez Bonino

La eficacia teológica del amor. El legado de José Míguez Bonino

Acto y sujeto moral en la Teología de la Liberación: Esbozos para una comprensión del pensamiento ético de José Míguez Bonino

Ethos político y deconstrucción posfundacional de la economía trinitaria: Teología pública en José Míguez Bonino

Toward a Christian Ethic of Remembrance

José Míguez Bonino: Double Location and Theological Thinking-Acting

José Míguez Bonino: Teologia para o Século XXI

Sacred Resistance: The Sanctuary Movement from Reagan to Trump

What does the Paraclete have to do with Dreamers? A Pneumatological Paradigm for Latino/a Social–Political Advocacy